Action will be taken against and administrative fines will be imposed on the persons who do not use the motorway in accordance with the rules and the animal owners entering the motorway in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 6001 on the Organization and Duties of the General Directorate of Motorway , and against those who pollute the environment on the motorway in accordance with the provisions of the Environmental Law numbered 2872.
Stopping, parking, making a turn and driving in reverse on the highway is strictly prohibited. In compulsory situations, you may stop at the rightmost special purpose lane (shoulder) by taking the necessary measures and without risking traffic and life safety.
All pedestrians, animals, bicycle riders, non-motorized vehicles, rubber-tired tractors, construction equipment are prohibited from using the highway.
The wire fencing or walls that are built along the highway boundary lines were built for the purpose of preventing such exits; therefore, it is strictly prohibited to break, demolish, cut or otherwise destroy these barriers.
It is prohibited to enter or exit the highway without using the toll collection systems (except for the No-Gate Automatic Toll Collection Area or the Tollgates).